Thursday, May 30, 2013

Scrimping Savagely on a Thursday

What comes to your mind when someone says, “Live simple”?  
The first image that pops into my head is a monastery in some isolated mountain range.  It is surrounded by green foliage and has about a millions steps that you have to climb to get there.
As you know I have been trying to adopt a more frugal lifestyle and it is hard.  I am one to expect 100% success from the beginning and this is not falling into that preconceived concept. 

Not at all.

I have noticed that I have been living in a “need” mode for a very, very long time.  Recently my husband came to me and told me that he wanted this camper.  He began talking about how he could add it to an existing loan or sell his car.  

For a millisecond I was on board and then I thought, “WTH Amy?!  There is no way you can afford this.  NO FRICKIN WAY!”  

We have way too many payments and are still getting caught up on bills that fell by the wayside when we were laid off.  The responsible thing to do is set aside money until we have an amount that will buy a reasonably priced camper.  While setting this money aside we need to work on paying off the loans and getting caught up on bills. 

This sucks.  
Like majorly.  
It sucks because I want it now.  My brain tells me I NEED IT NOW!

What has happened that I feel this way?  Was I raised this way and if I was just think about what I am doing to my kids.  It has to stop.  It has to.  I can shop frugally all day long but if I am not changing the big things then I am doing it all for nothing.  It has to be a packaged deal or it’s worthless.

So now it’s time to start applying a few other frugal habits to my life.  Time to suck it up and play hardball.

Man being a grownup really stinks.

Check out this title.  She has a lot of good information.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's Summertime and That Means Carnivals!

The smell of popcorn, cotton candy, screams of joy, and caramel apples fills the air and you know it is finally summertime.  I remember how magical summer was when I was a kid.  The lazy days of playing outside, laying under the tree watching the clouds... those were wonderful days.  I remember watching the thermometer like a hawk, counting the degrees until it hit 70.  

You see 70 was the magical number.  

Once it hit 70 my brother and I could play in the water.  I don't know why Mom picked 70 but I didn't argue.  We would fill up our little red wagon and be transported to the largest swimming pool you have ever seen.  We had water slides, diving boards, and sharks.

Yes, sharks.  We were awesome like that.

Scott and I took the kids to the carnival a couple of weekends ago and it was fun to see them so excited.  From 16 down to 7 the excitement was overflowing and they could hardly wait to get their wristband.  Austin isn't one to take a lot of chances and he was hesitant to ride some rides.  I was very proud of him though.  He rode a ride that went high and he had his eyes closed during the ride.  He got off and said, "Mom I had my eyes closed the entire time."  I told him well that's ok, he got on and that is a big deal. 

Well we were standing in line for another ride and he looked at Michael and said, "Would you ride that with me again?  I want to ride it with my eyes open."  Some may say that he is a baby because he isn't "into" riding the rides but I think he showed a lot of courage and determination and I am proud of him.  

The other kids had no problem riding the rides, even Tyeler.  This scares the crap out of me! We ended the night with Brittney on the brink of vomiting.  

A kid feeling nauseous leaving the carnival, that makes the night a win!  

Friday, May 24, 2013

One Sad, Funky Lil Mama

Today my little munkies will go to their dad's for the summer.  I am so sad but I am trying to hold it together. They will be home every other weekend and I get them some for vacations.  I am still so very sad.

Thursday, May 23, 2013

Scrimping Savagely on a Thursday

So I planned the meals for a week and I have to say that this week has been a lot easier.  The not worrying about what is for dinner is nice and I don't get a thousand questions about "what's for dinner" from the kids.  All they have to do is look at the fridge and it's all good.  

That's a good perk!

We bought groceries on Sunday and I have only had to go to the store once this week for bread, milk, and asparagus.  I think I need to start planning for side dishes as well and I can't believe I didn't think about it before.  I am going to try it one more week and then I think I will bump it up to planning for 2 weeks.  

We are beginning to get our budget together and I will have more for you on that in the next couple of weeks.

I found some interesting ideas out there and want to share this one with you.

 Read it, I promise you won't regret it.

It seems like a wacky, but awesome idea.

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Savagely Scrimping on a Thursday

Hi everyone!  As you all know last weekend was Trevor's graduation and we had to throw a party.  That left us with a lot of leftover brisket!  There are only so many brisket sandwiches a person can handle but I had to much brisket to just throw away.


I remembered for the wedding my sister and I concocted a little dish using leftover brisket so I took that and changed it up a bit.  I bought some Rice a Roni, beef flavored, tomato sauce, 2 cans of diced stewed tomatoes, and some tortillas.  I cooked the rice, through in the tomato sauce and tomatoes, added some ranch style and black beans from the pantry and fed my family of 8 for less than $6!  The great thing is that Scott and Trevor can take the leftover leftovers in their lunches!  This week I am planning my menu for the week.  Cross your fingers!

Another thing I am doing this week is starting a savings account for Scott and I.  Our plan is to put money from each paycheck in it and to not touch it until we have 4 months salary in it.  The money in it will allow us to pay off some vehicles and leave us with enough for a down payment for a brand spanking new mortgage payment!  

Remember, if you're new to being frugal baby steps is the way to go.  Don't get upset if you screw up.  It takes some time to replace old habits with new!      

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Monday's Melodramatic Mini Series: The girl and the boy Episode 4

The girl is now a woman but she wishes she was a little girl.  She is now a mother and was a wife.  She was a wife until the boy, who is now a man, walked into their bedroom, looked at her and said “I want out.”  He wants out, after all of these years he wants out.  The image of him standing behind bars wearing an orange jumpsuit comes to mind and she begins to cry.  She realizes that being married to her is like jail to him.  Her heart breaks as she thinks, “What about the kids?” and she stands there watching his retreating back as the tears flow down her face leaving trails of regrets and broken promises.

The days turn too weeks and eventually months.  The girl doesn’t think about the boy as often and has started talking to other boys.  It doesn’t feel like cheating so much anymore and she is beginning to enjoy herself.  She develops a very good friendship with someone.  This someone helps her endure the dark times and enjoy the good times.  He becomes a confidant and she thinks, “If only he were gay this would be perfect!”  As the little girl enters the actual dating scene she is bombarded with vulgar offers and sexual innuendos.  

It’s like junior high all over again.

The girl began chatting with people.  At first she was nervous about the whole “online dating” thing but realized that if she was smart and careful everything was fine.  All of the attention was flattering at first but soon she began to grow tired of the childish, adolescent behaviors.  She wanted more out of life; she wanted more for her babies.  The major rule that the girl had was that no one met her babies until she was sure she wanted to spend time with the boy.

Months pass and boys come and go.  The girl’s tolerance for bullshit is nonexistent and boys do not last long.  Besides her non gay pal there is one other boy who she talks with often.  It is by text but she enjoys his company anyway.  Soon the boy asks the girl if he could call her.  Instantly she gets butterflies in her stomach and wants to run away.  She likes the boy too much to talk to him and doesn’t want to mess it up but the boy claims that she could never mess it up so hesitantly she agrees.  

The first time she hears his voice she thinks, “I didn’t think he would sound this way.”

The girl and the boy continue to talk on the phone.  They talk into the wee hours of the morning on most nights but neither seems to care.  Finally they meet and the boy won’t stop staring at the girl.  This makes her self-conscious and she finally asks, “What is wrong?  Is there something on my face?”  

The boy looks at her and says, “You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.  Every time I look into your eyes I fall deeper in love with you.”  The girl’s head says this is to fast but something in her knows it is right.  “I am damaged goods”, the girl tells the boy, “I don’t know if I can love again.”  The boy looks at her and says, “We are all damaged and together we will learn to love again.”

The girl smiles and takes the leap of faith.

Mother's Day: A day filled with all of the same life crap plus extra hugs

This weekend was super busy for our house.  We had a graduate, grandparents, exes, family, and Mother's Day all wrapped into a neat, little dysfunctional package.  People began arriving Friday and we hit the ground running.  Not only did we have graduation to prepare for but we also had a munky running district track and a munky on a field trip 6 hours away.  

The day of graduation we had breakfast and began getting ready for the big event.  Showers started at 8:30 am and dirty little bodies rolled through procession with underwater dancing synchronicity.  The oldest girl munky curled the youngest girl munky's hair while I made sure the youngest boy munkies were wearing clean clothes and matching socks.  Big Daddy and Papa Kenny picked up the rented tables and finished straightening the backyard.  


So that's the mechanics of the day but let's talk about the emotions of the day.  Big Daddy is stressed because he worries that things won't be perfect and I will be upset and he is sad because his munky is graduating.  Oldest female munky and third oldest munky are emotionally distraught because their mom is in town and they are concerned that they won't be able to spend time with her.  The two youngest munkies are sad because the other munkies have been with their mom.  

Do you need a minute to figure out which munky is doing what?

That's ok I will wait....

Oldest Munky graduates and we eat.  The 3 oldest munkies minus the graduate concoct a plan to stay the night with their mom even though it was decided that they would stay at the house due to other relatives being there.  

We end the night sitting by the fire, eating smores and drinking wine.
Yes we ARE classy!

Mother's Day arrives and I get a special gift from the littlest munky and a hug from the next to littlest munky.  Big Daddy keeps asking me if I am going to get ready, so I do.  I get a Happy Mother's Day wish from the second oldest munky and I walk into the living room and catch Big Daddy messaging the oldest female munky and I get a message from her sending me wishes.  I sit down next to him and check my Facebook.  I stumble upon her wishing her mom happy Mother's Day and my heart breaks.  It breaks because mom ranks wishes on a wall and I get a message after dad reminds her.  It is then that I realize that I will forever be a substitute pitcher.  An hour after she posts the wishes to her mom, she posts wishes to me.  I am positive that this is after Big Daddy informs her that I cried like a baby.  

I know that she loves her mom and I have always said that I just wanted a place in their life.  It just cracked my heart a bit and it is what it is.

We head out to town and meet the munkies at a Mother's Day Brunch.  

There was an ice sculpture!

The moment we sat down I knew that emotions were to raw for anyone to truly enjoy this day.  Everyone was bickering, pouting, whining...
I was sad for a minute as I sat there thinking, "I give so much to these kids and everyone of them are being so selfish.  So consumed with what they want.  I can't have one day."

So I decided to take joy in the small things.  Big Daddy trying so hard to plan a nice day, a hug, a kiss...
Let me brag about my family for a moment.  Although everyone of them acted like a punk most of the day there was one exceptional moment in WalMart.  This is rare because I HATE WALMART!  This moment is so exceptional I am using real names because it's so very special.
Austin asked Scott for some money so that he could buy me a present.  Scott distracted me, slipped him a $20, and off he went.  I was trying desperately to keep everyone together because I was ready to get the hell out of there.  I finally managed to get 4 out of the 6 together and ordered them to stay at the water guns. I went to the water guns and here come Brittney, Austin, and Tyeler running from outside.  Michael and Aidan are no where to be found and Trevor is oblivious to it all.  At this point I am stressed beyond stressed and want to get the hell out of there.  

Later I find that my family was purposely stressing me so that they could buy my present and get it to the Excursion.  Austin had decided that he was getting me flowers to plant and the 5 of them picked them out.  

It was a special moment in a very trying day and that is the moment I will carry in my heart.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Scrimping Savagely on a Thursday: Frugality and High School Graduation

Good Thursday to you all!  

As I mentioned last Thursday my oldest munky is graduating this Saturday.  It sure has been hard to save money due to all of the extra junk that goes with pushing your bird out of the nest.  

Bombs away!  

So I had to buy everyone some new clothes.  I know AACK!  However, what I did do was use an article of clothing that they already had and bought something that they didn't have.  

For example: 
Munky 3 has some really awesome jeans but doesn't have many nice shirts.  So I bought him a nice, new shirt.  Munky 5 has a lot of nice shirts but has outgrown his pants.  Soo, I bought him a nice new pair of shorts.  I did that for all 5 munkies and they will look SNAZZY!  

For the graduate he had to have slacks, dress shirt, tie, and dress shoes.  This munky hates dressing up for anything and had absolutely nothing that could be salvaged.  So I hit JCPenny's and we found Stafford dress shirts BOGO.  I picked up the free shirt for Munky 2 & 3 to add to their collection for football and choir events.  We found a silk tie on sale for $20 and it has purple in it so it will coordinate with his gown!  We didn't luck out on a sale for the slacks but I picked out gray slacks because frankly khaki's are so yesterday.  The most inexpensive dress shoes we could find at JCP were $50 so I sent the boys over to Payless to scout it out.  We scored a pair of black dress shoes on sale for $25!  

So I dressed my graduate for about $100!  Now he has a grown up outfit to wear to special events!

This may not be rocket science but I am pretty proud of the fact that I shopped for the best deal and kept a little money in my pocket.  

While I was doing some research I stumbled across these little tidbits:

1. brown bag your lunch
2. have a weekly menu
3. shop with a list
4. learn how to make cheap meals
5. make leftover friendly food
6. buy store brands
7. grow your own vegetables
8. make your own coffee
9. drink more water
10. limit going out to eat

Simple but effective!

Stay tuned for more!      

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

You know, sometimes it's just to much

Daily life is difficult at times.  Sometimes you lie in bed in the morning trying to come up with a viable excuse to not go to work and eventually crawl out of bed.  Or it takes every ounce of self control to NOT eat that wonderful empty calorie filled treat.  Or maybe you have heard "MOM" in the super whiny voice one to many times and you are seriously considering ripping your ears off.  Admit it, sometimes it would be easier to lock yourself in a closet with a box of ding dongs and rock yourself to sleep.

Oh wait, they don't make ding dongs anymore.


My particular bag of douche is insistent on making my life miserable.  It has managed to consume more of my life than when it wasn't a giant bag of douche.  Or when it wasn't such a noticeable bag of douche to me anyway.  It has taken me some time to decide on how I will handle this bag of douche and carry on with my life.  I now have a plan and will carry it out with the utmost strategic implementation.     

Though a bag of douche in it's intended state is sometimes necessary and can leave you feeling refreshed, sometimes it's just to much.

How do you handle your douche bags? ;)    

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Monday's Melodramatic Mini Series: The Girl and The Boy Episode 3

The little girl sits in her new room.  It is an awesome room with one wall covered in denim and denim curtains.  It stays so dark and she can sleep so long!  There is a little desk and she has her own phone line.  She likes to sit in her room and draw.  When she draws she thinks about a boy named, Brian.  He is so cute.  You see, the little girl isn't so little anymore.  She will be in the 8th grade and she is so excited! 

The little girl’s dad doesn't come around very often and she doesn't understand why he doesn't.  Sometimes she thinks that it is her fault that he stormed out of the house that night.  Mostly she tries not to think about it because it makes her sad.  The little girl has to take care of her little brother and little sister because her mom works at night sometimes.  She loves her mom, little brother, and little sister so much and will do what it takes to help them and them safe.

It’s hot outside and summer has started.  Her little brother runs through the door crying and dirty.  Through his tears he tells her that some kids down the street beat him up.  The little girl’s head swims and red and she calls her mom at work.  Her mom tells her to look him over and make sure he is ok.  The little girl sees a perfect imprint of a tennis shoe and the red turns crimson.  She calmly hangs up the phone and tells her little brother to lie down and wait for mom.

The little girl walks down the street with an eerie air of determination.  She spots the group of thugs at the end of the street.  When the group sees her approaching the begin yelling, “You here to get yours?” and “Is your brother crying like a baby?”  The little girl says nothing and her pace remains steady.

She is within arms distance and the oldest punk says, “What are yo…” and then he hits the ground.  He lays there looking up with wonder, confusion, and blood running down his face.  The others just stand there open mouthed and staring.  The little girl looks at them with eyes as cold as blue steel.  “If you touch anyone in my family again, this will be worse.  Much, much worse.” 

The little girl turns and walks home.  


Thursday, May 2, 2013

Scrimping Savagely on a Thursday: It's baby steps y'all. Baby steps.

Ok, so last week was the first week for living a frugal life.  I have to say that if I were going to suddenly change everything I may be kicked out of my home.  That or I would have a full blown revolt on my hands.  

So what I did this last week is perfect the art of baby steps. 


That's what I would like to think but in reality I think I totally blew it.  You would think that when you decide to live frugally it would be easier to start but I think it was easier when I was living like I was poor.

Maybe living frugally is like living like you are poor, only it's your choice. 
That's a very basic idea of being frugal.

(Be patient while I work this out in my head) 

 I think the greater concept of living frugally is to live WITHIN your means and not have a million payments.  It means having money in the bank.  It means being responsible.

However, I did watch what I spent closely.  It may be difficult to do this right now because I have a kiddo graduating in a week and stuff has to be bought.  

Ok, so that's a total excuse and I own that.  So I am writing this week off as baby steps and next week I promise to have some serious frugal living tips that I have applied to my life.  

That's a promise.