Thursday, February 28, 2013

Living with teenagers

Do you remember when you were a teenager?  I remember thinking how I had the world figured out.  I was going to RULE THE WORLD!  The world was my oyster and I was hungry for some half shells.  I had no idea what it actually cost to live, how to pay bills, how to budget, or how to do anything that was actually grown up.  However, I did know how to drink beer, stay up late, throw a great party, and party like no bodies business. (sense a theme yet?)   
Yesterday I was driving through the school parking lot, looked over and saw the oldest munkey's truck parked in front of the high school.  I thought to myself, "We are pretty lucky.  We have a Senior that stays out of trouble and is always where he is suppose to be."  

Well guess what....
That very day the little terd was not at school.  His fake dad called in and told the office that he had a dr's appointment and then he left with his friend.  So real dad called up oldest munkey and said that his fake dad called and he needs to get his butt home.  
I thought that was well played by real dad but oldest munkey didn't think so.  

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hey, let's try something new!

This delicious temptress I dubbed "Lola" helped fan the fire I thought I had lost.  I bought her this July and I have to admit... I LOVE HER!  

Maybe I should back track a little.

When life as you know it stops in it's tracks you are stumped, stunned, completely numb.  A person goes into survival mode. It hurts to much to live life so you begin to survive life.  You find yourself trying to find a new way home, getting rid of anything that reminds you of the life you had, avoiding people because you don't want to see "the look" in their eyes.  For months I didn't turn on the radio because 19 years is a long time and there are reminders everywhere on air.  

A day becomes a week, a week becomes a month, and soon you are smiling again.  Before that terrible day I was aspiring to become a baker with my own little hip bakery.  I was told that it was a pipe dream and that it was silly to want to do it but I still wanted it.  I thought that if I concentrated on that I wouldn't see what was going on around me.  I was wrong.

 Suddenly I was on my own, walking away from the dream kitchen I helped build, and baking lost all of it's appeal.  I just didn't want to bake anything.  I resorted to frozen cookie dough so that my kids didn't have to go completely without baked goods because since the day they were born the house was filled with deliciously tempting aromas and their tummies were filled with yummy treats. 

I baked a little when I met Scott but the baking fire wasn't there anymore.  He tried to nudge me towards opening a bakery and I thought about it really hard but didn't feel the time was right.  I just didn't want to create any goodies, I was exhausted by the mere thought of baking.

Well about a month ago that fire was rekindled and I have ideas running around my head like no bodies business.  
Three things help me rekindle that baking fire:
"Lola" - I have always wanted a convertible but was told it wasn't appropriate because I had kids.  Well guess what, I still have kids and I bought myself a convertible!  
Scott - it's so nice to have a husband who supports me in my dreams and who is always there to lift me up when I am my own worst critic
Brittney - it's awesome to have a brand new daughter who when I announce I am baking again says, "It's about time you get back into the kitchen!  Can I lick the spoon?"

There have been other changes in my life but I won't bore you with that.  I am finding myself once again and sometimes people in my life don't like it.  I really don't care though, I am gonna be me and if that's a problem, well it ain't my problem!  

Want to see some more new things I have tried?

I wonder what tomorrow will bring?

Friday, February 1, 2013

Ok, so I ain't no Martha Stewart

Often I find myself surfing from blog to blog thinking how cool the writer must be.  How it seems that they really have their life together.  I mean they blog, craft, bake, raise their kids, have impeccable fashion taste... the list goes on and on.  So they sit there in all of their crafty glory and I sit here like this...

With this going on behind me...

Ok, so that is a bit of an exaggeration but not much.  Maybe... just a little.  

Anyway, I am always in awe of these women who seem to do it all and then you throw in the women who get paid to do this and OH MY BEJEEZUS!  I have a really great friend who has really taken this blogging world by storm.  Not only is she a busy mom of little dudes, she is a cookier.  For those of you who don't know what that is check her out her:

I dream of a house where everything is put away neatly, the house is immaculately clean, I am perfectly coiffed, and all of the kids are clean.  I blame this on Martha Stewart and all of her perfect perfection.  I mean come on, the woman spent time in prison and she STILL came out PERFECT!  
For some reason I have it in my head that I can work a full time job, raise 6 kids, have a successful marriage, run a baking business that I hope to be my full time gig one day, and earn my MBA.  I don't see how that isn't doable.  I mean really.  All I can say is that I am lost when I don't have my planner.  L-O-S-T.  
Well here's some stuff I have been up to...