Tuesday, March 19, 2013

TV for a day

In December I got onto a documentary kick and started watching food documentaries.  Like all day long, sitting there watching Netflix.  I found out some really interesting things though... yes tv educated me for a day.  Did I mention that I sat in front of the tv all day long? 

I found out that big government is shutting down small dairies due to non compliance in producing.  The non compliance is the farmers refusal to over process their milk.  These small farms and dairies are in no way a competitor for big business. 

These farms operate and sell to:
1. individuals who are allergic to processed milk
2. food/farmers co-ops. 

Yeah that's going to take a lot of money away from big business.  There was one account of a SWAT team of armed FBI officers stormed into the home of a woman and held her family at gun point.  All of this for unpasteurized milk and cheese? 
Nice to see my tax dollars at work there Mr. Government. 

The documentaries that really stood out for me were FOOD, Inc, Forks over Knives, and Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead. 

FOOD, Inc is about how our food is pumped full of growth hormones so that we can get that big ole chicken breast at the supermarket and the horrible living conditions these animals live in.  

ForksOver Knives is about how a diet that consists of mostly animal products, ie: meat, milk, eggs, and how it destroys your body and causes a lot of ailments that can be avoided by eating a plant based diet.

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead is about a man named Joe who decides that he has had enough of feeling terrible and being overweight.  So he consults his doctors and goes on a juice fast.  Below is a link to hulu where you can watch this documentary for free.

Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead really got me thinking about what you actually have to consume in order to live.  Joe drank nothing but juice for 30+ days.  30+ days!  The other documentaries opened my eyes as to how food is raised and what is put into our food before we get it into our homes.  Now don't get carried away.  I am not giving up meat.  However, I am introducing more plants into what I serve and am more careful about the meat I buy.  

FYI: I started my juice fast today and I am super grumpy. SUPER grumpy.  

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