Monday, March 18, 2013

It's all in the wrist

Personal growth is hard.  Plain and simple.  There isn't a "fad diet" approach to reevaluating your life and truly growing as a person.  It is so easy to sit and think about all that you don't have in life.  Heck you have commercials and ads telling you everyday that you aren't pretty enough, you aren't a good enough mom because you don't make everything your child needs and wants, or you are an irresponsible person because you don't recycle, reuse, reduce every single day.

I can't compete with that! 

One day I just decided to stop.  Stop trying to be perfect, stop trying to look perfect.  For 18 years I tried to be the perfect wife and mother.  I tried to have activity packets for the kids, regulate tv time, eat the right foods.  Well that got me nothing but a big fat divorce and a big ole "STARTOVER" sign.  A divorce leaves you with a feeling of Lewis and Clark only it's you, alone, lost in the world.  It takes awhile to find yourself and for me I had to go back to what I knew before in order to find out who I am now.  I felt that claustrophic feeling of control and decided...

You know what?!  I can live life the way I want to.  Simple, yet effective.

This fits the way I want to live...


And I recycle when my 7 year old daughter reminds me.  Reduce by not buying a lot of plastic bottles.  Reuse what works for my house.  Now I do have a bit of OCD and believe that everything has it's place, but I refuse to let that rule my life.  Well, rule it completely...

In a sense I have adapted the skills of a beauty queen.  Yes the world is "falling apart" around me but I will continue to 
"Elbow, elbow, wrist, wrist, touch your pearls and blow a kiss"
Check out this video from the Wendy Williams show where Kristin Chenoweth shows us how to wave Southern Style!

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