Monday, April 22, 2013

The Girl and the Boy Episode 1

The young girl believes that marriage is a magical place where love conquers all and that no harm could come to two people in love.  She is so excited to have her own home, to cook dinner for her husband, and to settle in for the night, just her and him.  The feeling of excitement is almost uncontainable.  She has her own house and the beginning of her own brand new family.  She can decorate her home in any way she wants and yard sales become her friend.  Everything decorating their little world is second hand but she loves it unconditionally.  She is excited for her future, for their future.  The girl and the boy are so happy, so indestructible.
The years came and went and soon the boy and girl are celebrating their 7th anniversary.  They are so happy.  The boy is partner to a successful company.  They have a happy life full of things: campers, four-wheelers, new vehicles, and a big house.  The girl loves the boy with everything she has, her complete soul is his and she gives it willingly.  She loves him so.
The internet is new.  Cell phones and chat rooms are the new way of communicating with people around the world.  Email replaces letters and the girl sits teaching her mother in law how to send an email.  As she opens the boy’s email account she stumbles across an email that begins, “You are an angel and complete my life…”  Excited she opens the email only to find that it is not addressed to her.  Her heart breaks and her soul empties.  She is but a shell of what she was only moments ago.  The hurt is soon replaced with anger and she is found sitting on the side of the highway crying and screaming out to everyone and to no one at the same time. 
The boy is sorry for what he did, professing his undying love for the girl and promises that it will never, ever happen again.  The girl asks him, “Why? Why did you do this?  Am I not enough?”  The boy does not have an answer and she accepts this.  She accepts this because she loves him so much that life without him is not an option.  In the farthest recesses of her mind she stores away that she wasn’t enough.  After the tears were shed, screams were heard, and forgiveness was given the boy and the girl continued their happy life.  It was happy but for a small tarnished spot that would never buff away.  No matter how hard the girl scrubbed, the spot could not be beat and often while she sits alone she can hear the faintest whisper, “You are not enough.”        

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