Thursday, September 12, 2013

Things to be happy about...

As of late it has been a struggle to be happy.  I know some will say, "Just be happy.  It's simple."  Oh if only it were that simple.  When you lose your job, can't drive your car because you need new tires, are behind on bills because you lost your job and your spouse isn't working as many hours, have everyone in the house being disrespectful to one another, step on the scale and realize that you have put on 15 effin pounds...

The list goes on and on and on and on and on....


I am not an extremely positive person by nature and when life is constantly throwing crap at me I tend to get REALLY pessimistic.  I tend to think, "Screw this I am going to bed."  I realize that this isn't the most mature way to handle life's crap but it's how I do it and no matter what I do it's always my first reaction.

As I sit here on this cloudy day contemplating running away from it all I have decided to make a list of what makes me feel good, happy, and at peace.  I have to say this has been a very hard task because it is much easier to sit here and pout.  Plus I am a little ticked off at my husband and kids today and that makes it so much more difficult to think nice things about them.  (now, you know this is true)


No I am not one of those people who have a phobia of germs and although my family thinks I have OCD: I like a clean and organized house.  Clutter drives me I.N.S.A.N.E.  The first few minutes when you crawl into a bed with clean sheets is almost like Heaven.  All of the cares seem to melt away as you snuggle in for a good nights sleep.  The sound of the washer and dryer running means that I am at home.  I love the smell of my husband when he gets out of the shower.  It's so nice to sit on the couch, cuddled up to him smelling of soap and shaving cream watching our favorite shows.  


It is absolutely wonderful to have modern conveniences.  For example:  Finding a toilet when you have unexpected diarrhea.  Another is the modern convenience I adore is that of heating and air conditioning.  On those cold winter days it is comforting when I hear the heater kick on, everyone has full belly's, and we are sitting together in one room.  (this is so rare with teenagers) 


On the rare occasions when I can get 8 hours of sleep I am so productive the next day.  These days are few and far between and as the kids get older I am afraid there is going to be even more time between these blessed occurrences.  Whoever said that kids get easier as they get older LIED.  With 5 kids at home and very active I usually fall into bed around 11:00 completely exhausted. 


There is very little that beats coming home from work, throwing on some yoga pants and taking off your bra.  Often when I finally walk in the door after a long day, it will take an act of Congress to force me to leave the house again.    

All Six Kids

Yes my kids can, will, and do drive me nuts often but without them I don't think I would be able to function in the most basic sense of the word.  When I watch them do what they love: play football, cheer, play volleyball, dance, etc; I am filled with such joy and so proud of them.  My heart melts when my middle school son still tells me he loves me, even in front of his friends, or when my 7 year old, who thinks she can do anything and everything the older kids do, grabs my hand when she is nervous or uncomfortable in a situation.  At their core our kids are great kids and I have to remind myself of that daily sometimes.  Especially when our daughter is secretly dating someone Dad doesn't approve of or our son is sneaking onto the iPad when he is grounded.  It is clear that they believe we are dumb as dirt.  
Painfully clear.


Isn't it nice when you are pulling clothes out of the dryer and find a nice, crisp, clean $20 staring you in the face?  Or how about an unexpected "I Love You" note to brighten your day?  

Cooking and Baking

My signature dish is crap in a pot because I look the fridge and pantry and throw crap in a pot.  So far it has turned out pretty good!  I am a baker and like to bake just about anything!  I like to bake when no one is home and all is quiet.

A great outfit

It is awesome when I look through my closet and put together a totally kick ass outfit.  I don't get to shop for new clothes for myself as often as I would like so when I can accomplish this I feel great about myself and comfortable in my skin.  For me this is quite a feat.

Most favorite:  When my husband calls me beautiful  



1 comment:

  1. I am so lucky to of had you in my life I am happy my kids were able to have you as part of their lives as well and hope to have you there for the rest of our lives we love you
