Thursday, May 9, 2013

Scrimping Savagely on a Thursday: Frugality and High School Graduation

Good Thursday to you all!  

As I mentioned last Thursday my oldest munky is graduating this Saturday.  It sure has been hard to save money due to all of the extra junk that goes with pushing your bird out of the nest.  

Bombs away!  

So I had to buy everyone some new clothes.  I know AACK!  However, what I did do was use an article of clothing that they already had and bought something that they didn't have.  

For example: 
Munky 3 has some really awesome jeans but doesn't have many nice shirts.  So I bought him a nice, new shirt.  Munky 5 has a lot of nice shirts but has outgrown his pants.  Soo, I bought him a nice new pair of shorts.  I did that for all 5 munkies and they will look SNAZZY!  

For the graduate he had to have slacks, dress shirt, tie, and dress shoes.  This munky hates dressing up for anything and had absolutely nothing that could be salvaged.  So I hit JCPenny's and we found Stafford dress shirts BOGO.  I picked up the free shirt for Munky 2 & 3 to add to their collection for football and choir events.  We found a silk tie on sale for $20 and it has purple in it so it will coordinate with his gown!  We didn't luck out on a sale for the slacks but I picked out gray slacks because frankly khaki's are so yesterday.  The most inexpensive dress shoes we could find at JCP were $50 so I sent the boys over to Payless to scout it out.  We scored a pair of black dress shoes on sale for $25!  

So I dressed my graduate for about $100!  Now he has a grown up outfit to wear to special events!

This may not be rocket science but I am pretty proud of the fact that I shopped for the best deal and kept a little money in my pocket.  

While I was doing some research I stumbled across these little tidbits:

1. brown bag your lunch
2. have a weekly menu
3. shop with a list
4. learn how to make cheap meals
5. make leftover friendly food
6. buy store brands
7. grow your own vegetables
8. make your own coffee
9. drink more water
10. limit going out to eat

Simple but effective!

Stay tuned for more!      

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