Thursday, April 25, 2013

Scrimping Savagely on a Thursday: Welcome to the new cool kid concept

[froo-guhl] : adjective
economical in use or expenditure; prudently saving or sparing; not wasteful: What your office needs is a frugal manager who can save you money without resorting to painful cutbacks. Synonyms: thrifty, chary, provident, careful, prudent, penny-wise, scrimping; miserly, Scotch, penny-pinching. Antonyms: wasteful, extravagant, spendthrift, prodigal, profligate.
entailing little expense; requiring few resources; meager; scanty: a frugal meal. Synonyms: scant, slim, sparing, skimpy. Antonyms: luxurious, lavish, profuse.

Frugal is the new black.  It's the new cool kid table in the economically friendly cafeteria.  
Frugal people have emerged from their off the grid homes and proclaimed, “I am not cheap!  I am frugal (and I have more money and less debt than you)!"  

I say this in jest.  In reality I am jealous of them and their frugal ways.
Their tips and tricks work.  I grew up using them out of necessity.  My mom worked 3 jobs and I helped raise my little brother and sister.  Eventually my mom got her nursing degree and now she is pretty dang successful.  I admire her for all of that hard work.  I still use them but my downfall is that when I do have some moola in my pocket I can’t seem to hang on to it. 

Please tell me I am not alone. 

That I am not some sort of freak of nature.

I know that this ridiculous spending is because I have no self-control or money management skills.  I know that I SHOULD know how to manage my money because I am 38 years old and have a family.  I know that I SHOULD be ashamed because I AM ashamed. 
I have bought the books, read the blogs, and beat myself up.  And don’t forget the eating healthy part.  I have the Insanity Workout and Turbo Fire Series and have never used either of them like I am supposed to.  I have a kick ass juicer that I have used a handful of times.

I have the best intentions but lack the follow through.


I have decided to start working towards a frugal, healthy lifestyle and here is what I am going to do.  I am making myself accountable to the World Wide Web.  Every Thursday there will be a Scrimping Savagely on a Thursday post where I am going to update you on what I changed in my life for that week and how it went.  I will share my resources and maybe someday will have some advice to give. 

You see I am sticking to the belief that I am not alone in this…

Help me help you! 
Sorry had a Jerry McGuire moment.

Until then check out this website
They have some awesome articles like these:

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