Friday, February 1, 2013

Ok, so I ain't no Martha Stewart

Often I find myself surfing from blog to blog thinking how cool the writer must be.  How it seems that they really have their life together.  I mean they blog, craft, bake, raise their kids, have impeccable fashion taste... the list goes on and on.  So they sit there in all of their crafty glory and I sit here like this...

With this going on behind me...

Ok, so that is a bit of an exaggeration but not much.  Maybe... just a little.  

Anyway, I am always in awe of these women who seem to do it all and then you throw in the women who get paid to do this and OH MY BEJEEZUS!  I have a really great friend who has really taken this blogging world by storm.  Not only is she a busy mom of little dudes, she is a cookier.  For those of you who don't know what that is check her out her:

I dream of a house where everything is put away neatly, the house is immaculately clean, I am perfectly coiffed, and all of the kids are clean.  I blame this on Martha Stewart and all of her perfect perfection.  I mean come on, the woman spent time in prison and she STILL came out PERFECT!  
For some reason I have it in my head that I can work a full time job, raise 6 kids, have a successful marriage, run a baking business that I hope to be my full time gig one day, and earn my MBA.  I don't see how that isn't doable.  I mean really.  All I can say is that I am lost when I don't have my planner.  L-O-S-T.  
Well here's some stuff I have been up to...


  1. HAHAHAHAHA...ol' MS is overrated. And ps-why you posting pictures of my messy living room and thirty right kids (including the neighbors). Seriously though, no one has it altogether and if they say they do, I say we cough up a big ol'BS...because no matter what you do, it never fails, if ya gotta be up at 7am you get a hella cough that keeps ya up all night. Thanks for making my night sweeter. Glad to see ya smiling again!

  2. Just received a check for over $500.

    Sometimes people don't believe me when I tell them about how much money you can earn by taking paid surveys at home...

    So I took a video of myself actually getting paid $500 for taking paid surveys.

  3. Discover how 1,000's of people like YOU are working for a LIVING from home and are fulfilling their dreams right NOW.
